What our Milton Clients Say
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At Wellroots we love when clients share with us their feedback and comments after chiropractic care. Please read our client testimonials below to see what people have achieved through our personalized and custom tailored approach in providing exceptional chiropractic care.
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Client Testimonials*
More energetic, focused, optimistic & resourceful
“I have had significant reduction in the tension in my body resulting in very welcome reduction of chronic pain. I’ve become more energetic, focused, optimistic & resourceful. Thank you Rob!”
– Lori Whittaker
More aware of my body
“I am more aware of my body, but more importantly, more aware of the potential for change. As such, I am more optimistic, or maybe patient with my body. I have started eating better, exercising & getting lots of sleep. And I don’t expect immediate change (and when it doesn’t occur give up), but I do trust that my body will respond to these better habits.”
– Stephanie K.
Improvement in the way I walk
“I have experienced the following benefits since beginning care: – more conscious of my posture – improvement in the way I walk – improved stretching (exercises).”
– Anonymous
Calmer and more in control
“I feel calmer and more in control; I can put things in perspective better; My lower back doesn’t have pain when I bend certain ways; and finally, I feel all-around stronger.”
– Kirsten Collins
More at ease, less tension
“My body feels more at ease, I carry less tension. I am learning to make time for relaxation, reducing stress.”
– Karen Irwin
Feeling positive & good
“I have experienced the following benefits since beginning care: The ease of dealing with pregnancy; being mobile and able to continue to function without major physical stresses; emotional (feeling positive & good about myself, having a positive outlook).”
– Anonymous
Sleeping better and longer
“I started receiving care after my Naturopath suggested that the techniques used in NSA could help me relieve my lower back and neck pain. After my first visit or two, my lower back pain was gone. I couldn’t explain why. All I knew was that all of a sudden I was able to lay down at night without experiencing pain. Soon after my neck pain was gone too. Pretty quickly I caught on that I was helping myself. Being taught breathing techniques and learning to maintain focus is what helped me change. I’ve become more aware of my breath, my spine, and my body. I’m sleeping better and longer, increased my energy and stamina and am overall more relaxed.”
– Tara Smith
More energy, fewer symptoms
“Since the beginning of my care, I have come to understand that everything – every feeling, good & bad – should be viewed as a step in the right direction… Towards my personal physical & mental BEST! I am more mentally capable of allowing the process to unravel, although of course when it unravels with great physical reactions, that is more fun! On a daily basis I experience more energy, fewer symptoms (fatigue, aches, cognitive confusion & disorder, twitches, etc.) This allows me to do more – from going out to dinner at a loud restaurant – to actually getting a physical workout & seeing results! It feels great. I would say I am at 80% & I can’t wait for the final 20%.”
– Julie Strom
Release stress and pain
“Since starting my care I am most definitely aware of what my body can do. The ability to release stress and pain through breathing and the spine is a major accomplishment for me. I truly look forward to exploring what else my body and mind can do, and whatever else you can teach me. Thanks for being there Rob!”
– Steve Dixon
Significantly improved feeling of well-being and more mobility
“To date, entrainment is the most efficient and effective modality I have tried (used) to open the door and release emotional and mental blockages from my body. Best of all it recycles the released energies to help heal my body. This is enabling me to have a significantly improved feeling of well-being and more mobility.”
– Jennifer Haywood
No more headaches
“The headaches have practically disappeared and I get over my colds very quickly….I’m much better at handing stress and I seem to be much more relaxed all the time. I love coming in Monday mornings for an adjustment. It not only starts the week off great, it helps me organize my thoughts and things I have to do in a clear and achievable way. With a way to release my stress, I seem to be happier and more efficient with my time.”
– Shannon H.
More life enjoyment
“When I started Network Care, I dropped all other treatments I was doing, and I noticed the improvement in my health over the few months I was with Network Care…. Network Care has helped me enjoy every part of my life more….”
– Carolyn Dera
Improved mood
“I have definitely noticed an improvement in my overall mood; I feel much more balanced and am experiencing less anxiety. My energy levels have improved as well.”
– Chantelle
Better running
“When I tried to run, my body felt uncoordinated and I could not get the body in a running rhythm…. Now on my morning walks, I do include some running and it feels good.”
– Lise Babin
Emotional and physical gains
“I was a train wreck emotionally as well as physically. I don’t think I remembered what being at ease with myself felt like anymore. [Network Care] has helped me deal with past issues and concentrate on important present challenges such as my health and my studies.”
– Marianne W.
Less back pain, healthier eating
“I’ve had almost no joint pain [and] my back has become so much better! I’ve decided to really start being healthier, snacking on veggies, fruits or nuts, and cutting off empty candy calories. I am also starting to exercise more.”
– Peggy Saunders
Healthier outlook
“My back pain is less prevalent, and I am more aware of my body. I am able to prevent and lessen the pain when it occurs. I also have a healthier outlook in mind and body.”
– Lana Pawziuk
* Disclaimer
The above results may not be typical of all people.
Individual results may vary.