Meet Dr. Allison Barriscale
Dr. Allison grew up in British Columbia where she initially discovered chiropractic during her time as a high level competitive swimmer. Her personal experience – as a world class athlete receiving chiropractic care – led her to Toronto, and to graduate as a chiropractor in 2004 from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC).
Inspired to help individuals enhance their performance and move towards optimal health and wellbeing, Allison has been studying and practicing a type of chiropractic called Network Spinal Care (NS), since 2001. Allison chooses NS in her approach as a chiropractor because, in her experience, it empowers people with results that are lasting, and that continue to evolve with time. Deeply committed to her own process of growth in the reorganizational model of healing, and an avid and continuous student of life, Allison regularly attends professional development seminars to expand her knowledge and skill.
Allison practices yoga and loves to dance! She also loves to spend time in nature and enjoys trips into the wilderness with her husband Dr. Robert Coddington, a chiropractor who also practices NS in Milton, ON.
Chiropractic Education and Training
- Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.), 2004 – Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (C.M.C.C.) in Toronto, Ontario. – https://www.cmcc.ca/academic-programs/doctor-of-chiropractic-program
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), 2000 – University of Victoria. – https://www.uvic.ca/science/chemistry/undergraduate/
- Licensed by the College of Chiropractors of Ontario to practice Chiropractic in the Province of Ontario. – https://cco.on.ca
- NetworkSpinal Care (EpiHealing) – https://epienergetics.com/epihealing
- Alliance for Chiropractic (AFC) – https://allianceforchiropractic.com
- Network Chiropractors Canada – https://networkchiropractors.ca
- Milton Chamber of Commerce – https://miltonchamber.ca